Sep 2, 2010

End of summer...

As we near the end here in the smoldering New York city, I would like to point out that just because the calendar says September, it doesn't mean the fall clothes are allowed to happen.  Because it's still hot as fuck.

I like making lists and it's just the best way my brain works.

Obvious things not to wear from May to mid-September:
1. Boots higher than your ankles.  It's about an average of 80 degrees girls, being sweaty and sticky in leather knee high boots with your booty shorts...not sexy.  Cowboy boots included unless you actually ride.
2. Scarves of any sort.  There is no need for that, it's humid.  Sweaty neck isn't sexy either.
3. Leggings...aren't pants.  You can't throw a t-shirt on and call it an outfit.  I see your girly parts and I don't want to.  Also sweat inducing.  Come on people!
4. Knit caps.  Duh.
5. Head to toe black.  You have all winter to do that, liven up.  And lay off the leather.  leather=sweat

Yeah, I just called out Rihanna.

Bonne journée!

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